Imagine being an owner in the hottest, trendiest industry on the planet…but no one knows about your business. That’s the plight that many CBD business owners are currently going through.

Google, Facebook, Instagram, and all other social media platforms won’t allow CBD owners to become profitable and advertise on their forum. Sadly, many of them still believe that:

CBD = Weed = Getting High As A Kite!

But we both know that this isn’t true. Despite both being a part cannabis plant, CBD doesn’t get you high as weed does. In fact, CBD will become more useful than what is in the average person’s medicine cabinet.

Medical research continually contains a wealth of medicinal benefits that CBD provides. It can help alleviate:

  • anxiety
  • arthritis & chronic pain
  • migraines
  • epileptic seizures
  • chronic inflammation
  • sleeplessness
  • diabetes
  • multiple sclerosis
  • psychosis
  • depression

But you know these things already. Now, it is time for potential customers who are dealing with these ailments to know this info.

That’s where SEO marketing comes into play!

SEO marketing has the ability to overcome the advertising limitations placed on CBD and expose your business to potential customers. As you can imagine, this likely will help you increase profits tremendously!

Let’s delve a little deeper and look at the top 3 reasons SEO marketing can help your CBD business become more profitable.

Expose Your Business To Potential Customers….Organically!

It is one thing for your business to be discovered due to advertising. But it is a WHOLE other thing to be found organically!

More and more people are becoming curious about this CBD thing. And we both know the first thing curious people do in 2019….Google it!

People are hopping on their smartphones, laptops, or tablets to search Google about CBD. CBD is getting thousands of search results every single day and has been trending upward (according to Google Trends) for the past 5 years.

Sadly, Google won’t allow you to advertise your precious business to the masses. Since CBD is a part of the cannabis family, it is still viewed as a drug.

Well SEO marketing overcomes this issue.

The reason SEO stands Search Engine Optimization is that it can optimize search results for any legal business WITHOUT having to spend a dime on marketing…when done correctly.

Overall, high-quality SEO marketing ensures that your CBD business is optimized and showing on the first page in Google organically.

In-Depth Market Research To Stay Ahead Of The Game

Top notch SEO marketing isn’t about ranking high in search results today, but staying there! And the only way to stay there is to perform market research.

Market research is basically finding the keywords your potential customers are searching for and implementing them into your business. Since CBD is a growing market, all sorts of keywords will be trending as each day goes by. To keep your business profitable, you need to be ranking high for these keywords.

SEO marketing ensures your CBD brand is exposed to these customers searching for these specific keyword terms and phrases.

Engaging Blogs That Encourages Customers To Buy Now (Or Later)

One aspect that many CBD owners forget (or choose to omit) is the power of the blog. Blogs not only help you educate potential customers but build trust in them as well. And in the business world…

Trust = Sale!

Creating engaging, informative blog articles about CBD will widen your audience base. You can become a leading voice in the industry while adhering to SEO practices which continue to work with search engine algorithms.

Another great aspect of blogs is that you can utilize hyperlinks in your article that links back to your CBD products. So while readers are reading all about the wonderfulness of CBD, they inch one step closer towards becoming a customer.

In addition, SEO marketing can help your blogs connect with affiliates and various networks to help generate additional organic exposure for your business.

Final Word

These 3 reasons (and several more reasons) is why SEO marketing is a necessary component for your CBD business. It will be very hard to accumulate consistent sales if very few people know your business exists.

And even when Google, Facebook, and other social media platforms allows CBD products to be advertised, that opens the floodgate for more competitors to enter the marketplace. And more competitors mean a ton of marketing dollars being spent to ensure your business gets seen.

So it’s best you take advantage of SEO marketing right now to get your CBD brand out in the forefront.