The world of CBD is growing rapidly, what once started as an unknown supplement sold solely in gas stations and headshops is becoming a household item as the market develops. With researchers backing claims of pain relief and stress reduction, new CBD businesses are popping up everywhere.

The non-psychoactive supplement is widely legal and expected to be one of the most lucrative new industries in recent times. With each industry comes a boom of companies looking to profit, and CBD companies are looking to cash in.

One of the best ways to market in 2019, and probably for the rest of time is through online advertising. Users spend an average of 90 minutes a day on their phones alone, which is time they can spend viewing your product if you can lead them there.

If you’ve been around for the last few years, you know that there’s a lot of online advertising done through Facebook and Google.  Social media platforms make it easy for a new business to set up and start promoting their product to the masses. Unfortunately, their policies aren’t big fans of cannabis or any of its extracts.

Many social media platforms, like Facebook and Instagram, follow DEA recommendations to consider CBD as a potentially hazardous product. They have policies in place, which make paid advertising of cannabis related products nearly impossible. These arcane guidelines limit a company’s ability to market and threaten those that stray with shutdowns and bans. Facebook and Instagram aren’t the only ones that look down on Cannabidiol; Pinterest, Twitter and Amazon won’t let you do paid ads either.

Facebook ads, and the like, drive sales like crazy so it may seem a little worrisome that you can’t technically run paid ads for your new company. Clouds is here for you. Take a drop of CBD oil, sit back, and relax as we tell you how to market your product without alerting the digital giants.

Starting a cannabis-related business is both a risky and worthwhile venture, but only if you know what you’re doing. With only 3% of cannabis related businesses prospering after starting, it can seem a little precarious to throw everything you have into your CBD business.

Companies are making it in the industry, which means you can too. If you figure out how to maneuver through the obstacles, success will come. The easiest option out there is to make use of other cannabis and CBD sites. If you can, find your way into a ‘high’ brow newsletter or network, they may allow you to run display ads, which means you can market to interested clientele. The only problem here is that nobody clicks on display ads anymore. The click-thru rates are historically lower than social ads, and the cost can get up there.

This leads us to the most productive marketing strategy, using social media as a platform for your growing CBD business. You will need to work around policies that prohibit mention or images of anything cannabis related. It might sound impossible, but it’s not too complicated.  The most important thing you will need is some excellent content and branding.

To get this kickass content and branding, you can go through an Facebook content agency, or try running your marketing campaign. However you achieve it, the goal here is to have a social media strategy that engages your audience and can reach a large number of viewers.

There are several ways you can create a marketing strategy focused on organic reach. Here are some ideas you can try:

Partner With Influencers: An influencer is somebody that your potential customers look to for advice, reviews, and just about anything. When it comes to promoting your CBD business online, those influencers are key. They can drive traffic to your page with mentions and shares, so you reach a new audience and gain followers.

The more followers you acquire, the more shares you are likely to get. The more shares you get, the more your post will be seen and the most your post is seen, the more your sales will increase!

Create Engaging Posts: Social media giants, like Facebook, use algorithms to determine what posts will get shown when, why, where and to whom. They get pretty technical, but the basic idea is that the more an audience is engaging with a post, the further the post will reach.

Videos capture the viewer’s attention and increase engagement. Creating an informative and exciting video describing your CBD business can give you the potential to be seen by a wider following.

The More The Merrier: It’s essential to get your CBD out there on as many platforms as you can. If you know your customers are using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, having a presence there is essential.

Start Broad: At the beginning of your social marketing strategy, you can play around with different platforms, post types and brand ambassadors. Once you get an idea of what is working for your CBD business, you can hone in and drive the strategy home.

Paying attention to the content you post and what is driving sales will give you a roadmap for your organic social media campaign. Selling CBD without the force of Facebook Ads can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’ve attempted organic marketing yourself, or want to try something new, a social media marketing agency can help you grow your CBD business as well.

Facebook marketing agencies that specialize in CBD, like us, can assist in creating awesome social media campaigns that produce high sales. We will learn about your target audience’s demographics and your unique business needs, so we can reach them as your customers as efficiently as possible. As a specialist in CBD Marketing, we know a thing or two about getting creative with ads.